When you go to put on your choice of footwear each morning or browse through the sandal aisle to find what you’ll like best this summer, you’re most likely not thinking about your health. As Harvard Women’s Health Watch reported, poor footwear decisions can lead to life-long damage on the feet. Not only is this uncomfortable or even painful, but can make it less likely that you’ll stay active and engaged in physical activity, which is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.
To get back on the right path with footwear, consider these tips for improving the health of your feet, ankles and everything else:
Choose Support Over FashionThough everyone loves a good pair of shoes that show off their style, when it comes to footwear and your health, opt for function over fashion. The two things you should look for prior to making any footwear purchase are shock absorption and built-in arches, according to Natural Remedies and Treatments. Long-time use of shoes that don’t offer these features can lead to pain in the heel and balls of your feet. Many people may even begin to experience planter fasciitis, when tissue in the heel becomes irritated and inflamed. Shock absorption and built-in arches are important for everything from a pair of flip flops you only wear out in the garden to loafers worn to work each day. Even though you may not think having good support in your summer sandals is important, each hour and day on your feet adds
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* This article was originally published herehttp://topsellers.websitehttps://www.juliayoung.business/2020/05/the-importance-of-good-footwear-and.html